To qualify as an Honor Guard unit, a Scouting Pack, Troop, Team, Crew or Post must complete: Commitment to provide outstanding and patriotic flag ceremonies upon request (with 14 day notice) Have available to them a full flag ceremony package, including as a minimum a United States Flag and a State of Utah flag, along with flag holders. He's been "training" several of the scouts in my troop and quite frankly, I don't think it's very appropriate to be imposing military drill on scouts who are barely 16. Their website states: Source: BSA). Post the colors. Earning badges and receiving recognition can be very satisfying to boys. Three safety rules when on the shooting line. The color guard enters carrying the colors. A local business Scout salute. Color guard walks to the front of the room and stands near the flag stands. Teach youth the Knowledge, Skill and Attitude (KSA) of safe handling of a Rifle by participation in a formal Rifle shooting curriculum. Even though no one carried in the flag, the Scouts still had the opportunity to say the Pledge of Allegiance. ago, and we thought the idea had blown over. I like your pages. As our flag symbolizes the hard work and sacrifices of our forefathers, it should be treated with the utmost care and respect. When raising flags on flag poles, the U.S. to drop the salute. @Bob - There is a definitive BSA pamphlet for flag etiquette at This is one of the biggest benefits of being involved in Cub Scouting. Ask the Cub Scouts to stand up. Opening: "Girl Scouts, Attention." Girl Scouts stand quietly and remove all headwear; this is a signal the ceremony is about to start. interest in Military and outdoor adventures. That the US flag is The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. . thanks. Finally, make sure the Cubs know the path that they're to take. Note that picnics aren't as popular as "Capture the Flag". When the struggle for independence united the colonies, the colonists wanted a single flag to represent the new nation. How does having Scouts bear arms in this manner support any of the Aims or Methods of Scouting? You may only have flag bearers, 2 or 3 scouts following, 2 in front and 2 behind, or any crisp formation depending on number of scouts in color guard.) I would like to know why BSA does not wear hats while on a color guard duty. When designing the iconic uniform for Boy Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell drew on the hat worn by Frederick Russell Burnham, the celebrated American scout, during his service as Chief of Scouts in the BSAC and the British Army in the . Good luck! The U.S. The color guard stands in the rear of the area, forming a double line behind the U.S. flag bearer. My search for rifles and firearms missed that. That means, for example, Troop 58's Drum and Bugle Corps is supposed to wear their BSA uniform when performing, and they are not to carry guns or swords. The Ceremonies for Dens and Packs book (link to Kindle edition) gives several examples of introductory remarks that you can use prior to saying the Pledge. Before we jump into things, take a few minutes to watch this quick but informative video (1:57) below. Since these BSA-affiliated teams are not permitted to carry ceremonial rifles, I would use that same guidance for flag ceremonies and all other BSA activities. After all, our flag isnt just any piece of fabric Its a dear symbol of our country! audience. The old flag should be retired in the traditional manner of incineration. Any advice? It isn't. ), Those not in uniform, please place your right hand over your heart. The color guard commander will report to the Chief Judge; saying, "Sir/Ma'am, the [Region Name] Color Guard reports for Standard Drill." The Chief Judge will return the salute (The Standard Drill two and one half minute clock starts). Color guard cheat sheet. I have a Parent that wants to be a uniformed Leader. I've seen no comments here Also . In Everyone who has served even a day in the military is familiar with both. ), Color Guard, DISMISSED. equipment such as riding a motorcycle; if it is not possible to use the hand due to As of 2008 veterans and others not in uniform may render a hand salute. Dale, @Dean - Either way is fine. Is it possible to add it to the Printable Flag Ceremony Cheat Sheet with Instructions? injury or amputation; when escorting a woman and it is not possible to walk on her Thanks! B. Fake firearms or swords are not part of a Scout uniform. Firearms have only ONE purpose in Scouting: to teach marksmanship. For more than 200 years, our Flag has been the Emblem of Liberty for generation after generation of Americans. When retiring the flags, the US flag should be picked up first to keep it higher than the others. 604954; Scout or Scouter, Founder's Award recipient; nonuniform wear only. else, please share. ), Color Guard, REFORM.(The Colors bearers step out and the Color guards follow them as they march back to the front position. Today, as we salute our flag, let us remember the men and women in the armed forces who are serving our country and us.. The U.S. "Color guard, Attention." the outside just marched on the flanks (no rifles). the right at all times. However, a Guard for the flags is completely appropriate (even in the military). Guards are not necessary. Color guard or honor guard training is perfectly fine. It has four copies of the script on each page. Namely, the state and pack colors should be "posted" first. Therefore, the scouts attending a flag ceremony should always take the event seriously and encourage the same from their peers. @Chris - No troops that I've been involved with, nor visited, . The BSA introduced a new badge of participation and identification on 26 Jan 2015: the Honor Guard badge. Colors. And anyone who does is violating BSA policy. One of the clumsiest points for our Packs closing flag ceremony is when the flags are retrieved and the flag bearers are returning to color guard formation. I've recently joined a troop that has the flag detail just stand there at attention with no salute or speaking. is not sponsored or endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. do not say the pledge of allegiance and only salute after they have Pinky Swear . (For combined Trail Life USA and AHG ceremonies, either an American Heritage Girl or Trailman may serve as the primary caller with the assistant being from the other organization. Im under the impression that you must be in full uniform in order to participate but I can't find anything specific to support that. Immediately, the flag bearers grasp the flags with both hands and pulls flag out to both sides of the pole to display the flag for a silent count of about three seconds and then the flag bearers come back to the position of attention. In my wolf den leader guide (2018 printing) it does contain a step Cubmaster Chrispy stated the U.S. flag is last to post. I created this printable for you. Anything else is why shooting at human targets is a no-no and paintball and laser tag is too. Their job is to 'protect' the flags, not be a part of the Shop official Boy Scouts of America compasses and tools, for the highly skilled Scout or the newest Scout to navigate the wilderness with confidence! Let us remember the history of our flag as we pledge our allegiance to our flag., Where our flag flies, there is freedom. You can read The whole boy scout system is based on BOY run troops, NOT adult run troop. Ceremonies, then the correct word is "Two". Both Color guards face the audience. between the audience and the US flag. Thanks for reading! SAVE UP TO 8% See all eligible items and terms. However, did you know that when using flagpoles to fly American, state, or even troop flags, there are actually specific guidelines that should be followed? The ONLY place a firearm is allowed with Scouts is on a firing range. A respectful mindset is essential to conducting a great flag ceremony. The uniform guide does not restrict the use by BSA members but to outside organizations wearing BSA uniforms. There are 4 in total, so check out my article to learn which is best for you! And they strung Christmas tree lights from the ceiling. Scouter Paul, thank you for the post and the link. Before you even begin to think about taking a flag out of its protective casing and raising it, you should first know how to properly fold and stow it in a respectful manner. Are there rules/restrictions/guidelines about doing a flag So, precise interpretation would be if there's no right arm, no salute can be done. ), Color Guard, SALUTE.(Color Guard holds salute until the Pledge is done. This site is not officially associated with the Boy Scouts of America. However, military drill belongs in the military and not scouts. @Heather. Scouts, salute. This site is made to support Scouts, Scoutmasters, and Scouting families. Regardless, its always a good idea to understand how a standard flag ceremony is run so that you can adapt it within your troop, if necessary. @Dale - Hey, thanks for sharing that page address! "Color Guard, Ready, TWO." "Color Guard, Prepare to Retire the Colors." (Flag bearers take hold of their flags with their hand in correct position for carrying the flags, and waits for the next command.) "Leader: "Color Guard, Forward . Typically, there are 2 parties during your standard presentation of the colors: Keep in mind that your troop might run its flag ceremonies a bit differently based on your location, audience size, and type of flag you have. American flag. It may include as many Trailmen as needed. The parents and audience members join the Scouts in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Boy Scouts of America September 24, 2020 INSTRUCTIONAL SHOOTING SPORTS PROGRAM Purpose. If we are in uniform, we give the Cub Scout salute. S-1359 Color Guard. notif liberals have their wayBut, I will always be proud We used to conduct a flag ceremony for our elementary school assembly. That flag had the familiar 13 stripes (red and white) of the present flag, but the blue square contained the Crosses of St. George and St. Andrew from the British flag. After all, our flag is a symbol of yourself, your community, and your country! Let us join in the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. We have Good Government only when We, The People of the United States of America, play an active part in making it good. We will have to Enter your email to get your Cub Scout Flag Ceremony Cheat Sheet printable! Lower the colors or unfold the flag. business. This article is based on the experiences and research of Eagle Scouts, Kevin A and Cole. Script: Have the color guard in the back of the room, ready holding the flags. When the color guard gets to the front of the audience, the bearer of the American flag and its guards will cross to the left, and the pack flag bearer and guards will cross to the right. The caller stands at the front of the room. Leader: "Color Guard, Attention!" Or, they can split and have some in front and some behind. Simple. Check out my Ultimate Cub Scout Planner available in either a fillable & printable version or in a digital version! Explain the history of the United States flag. being reverent goes both ways. of my scouting and military experiences. If you do not like or agree with the way the BOYS run their troop change troops or stay home. Let's plede our Allegiance to this nation. Rocio. When the troop ventures forth from their campsite en masse at a camporee it quickly becomes nothing but a line of stragglers. When the United States flag becomes worn, torn, faded or badly soiled, it is time to replace it. Also a helpful tip the U.S. flag Should we wear our BSA medals to flag ceremony if we are an The complete uniform includes socks, pants, belt, and shirt so you might ask the organization requesting the ceremony how much of that uniform they require - so that scouts don't show up in just the BSA shirt thinking that was good enough. Opening Flag Ceremony. Whichever way feels most comfortable to him. Some say the American flag in Scouts learn bushcraft, cooking, rifle and bow shooting, patriotism, reverence, etc. The US Flag is on the right, then State flag, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room - or, US Flag in front, followed by State, then Troop flag. the center when flown with multiple flags and others keep it to Do you have to do a color guard? @Patricia - There's nothing wrong with him simply standing at attention while the others salute. Those in uniform do a hand salute. artificial rifles in the color guard? Is there anywhere in the official BSA website that explains how to do a flag ceremony in the manner that the Boy Scouts of America wants it to be done? Ive been in the military for 20 yrs. Advantage Emblem, Inc. 4313 Haines Rd. about how important a job the color guard had to protect that flag some of our personal opinions aside to teach the basic principles Start with the American Flag on the right and the troop flag on the left.] in a Explorer Law Enforcement Post or maybe a JROTC unit paired with a troop. This duty is so prestigious that the military colour is generally carried by a young officer (), while experienced non-commissioned officers (colour sergeants) are assigned to the protection of the national flag. " Leader: "Audience, Please Rise! Leaders are a role model to the Scouts they serve in This isn't the military, so rifles are inappropriate. I can't find an answer for this situation anywhere and I have been searching the internet. Luxury Camping Gear. Converting to the official colors can be your first step. See more ideas about color guard, guard, honor guard. Note: the Scouts have placed the flags in stands so their hands are free. The prejudice against firearms and become more involved with that. whether the flags are being posted, or raised. If your not precise you don't see the difference but it is clear in the language and obviously important because it answers the question. If you're wearing a uniform hat, leave it on even indoors. Flag The Color guards follow the flag they are guarding and come to attention at the outside of the flag bearers, and facing the audience. Just like the opening flag ceremony, your caller should be at the front of the room, and the color guard should be at the back of the room. ), Color Guard, ATTENTION.(Flag bearers stand abreast with the U.S. flag bearer on the right. I use your ideas often. Also they wouldn't have been real working rifles, they would have been dummy rifles that are made to be carried and spun. @Garth, actually 'two' is the correct term. Reciting the pledge of allegiance at the start of every meeting can become boring and meaningless. For a more in-depth dive into flag presentation, traditions, and the different types of flag ceremonies that are held, Id recommend checking out Scouts BSAs Your Flag and the BSA Troop Program Opening. Thanks! Join me now in expressing our allegiance to the flag., The red in our flag stands for courage and bravery. The Leader of the Free World. Arrow of Light Adventure Building a Better World1. troop, within the BSA guidelines, rules, and regulations - which Veteran's Day ceremony in Cheshire features color guard, speakers - CHESHIRE The town's annual Veterans Day ceremony will be held on the First Congregational Church green, 111 Church Drive . And what do I do if I ever get an amputee or paralyzed scout regarding saluting? [Color guard and troop are in position at the rear of room: American flag, troop flag]. Was common for district and council events. 1. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Imago. @april - In this example ceremony, the scouts would be holding the Where can I see a video demonstration of this ceremony? Flag bearer crosses from the right side of the aisle to the leftmost flag stand, and faces the audience. Why is the word "two" on the printable? Examples of instructional programs are the Boy Scout Rifle Shooting Merit 58 followers. d. Drill Routine. I think it's a complete waste of time. The restriction on gun carry cited by Scouter Dale is targeted to outside organizations Drill teams, clubs, etc. Let's Pledge our Allegiance to the country represented by this Flag. This is one of the biggest benefits of being involved in Cub Scouting. The first flag borne by the Army as a representative of the 13 colonies was the Grand Union flag. I always remember it this way the American flag should always be on 4 Say, "Color guard attention." 5 Say, "Color guard, advance." Thanks for reading! Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. What is the meaning of crossing in Copyright 2022 | Cub Scout Ideas | Cub Scout Ideas is not officially endorsed by nor affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America. Lodge pocket flap, Scout or Scouter; right pocket flap. Girl Scout Week is celebrated each March, starting with Girl Scout Sunday and ending with Girl Scout Sabbath on a Saturday, and it always includes Girl Scouts' birthday, March 12. As a returning scout [I.E. knot on the uniform shows that the Scouter has that award in day-to-day I'm Cole, the guy behind ScoutSmarts. scout salute. Required fields are marked *. Categories Cub Scout Activities, Cub Scout Arrow of Light Adventures & Requirements, Cub Scout Basics, Cub Scouts Wolves Adventures & Requirements. The Old Testament frequently mentions banners and standards. To see a great tutorial on how to correctly fold our flag, check out the video (1:05) below: Another thing youll need to consider before raising a flag is the types of flags youll be flying. They should focus on teaching the young of Scouting. Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Camping Bedarf. Although I didn't realize it at the time, Scouting helped shape my life! Color Guard does not salute.) Immediately after the U.S. flag bearer passes the Troop flag bearer(s), the Troop flag bearer(s) crosses from the left side of the aisle to the rightmost flag stand(s), and faces the audience. Check out my Ultimate Cub Scout Planner available in eithera fillable & printable versionor ina digital version! As time went on they kept the "two" as the command to drop the salute. 604943; gold, No. ), RETIRE THE COLORS.(Both (or all) flags should be pulled out of the flag stands and brought up immediately, in a smooth motion, to the carry position. About, FACE. The requirements of becoming a Tenderfoot provide basic skills to begin preparing the scout for higher adventure outings. Sometimes, your den meeting place may not have a flag. The US flag is always the first to be raised (or posted) and the last to be lowered (or reteived). by brian | Oct 16, 2018 | Our Flag, Troop Documents and FAQ's | 2 comments. Our Flag is bright with Cheer, brilliant with Courage, and firm with Faith. The commands should be separate from the color guard, but executed at the same time. rules prohibiting anything that seems like support of a private To qualify, all individual Scout transactions must be recorded through the Trails-End App. not forget that BSA has now banned use of airsoft and Nerf and marshmallow shooters The second thing you want to do is check the ceiling height. :). back..we go to every meeting, but don't take part in the Baden Powell was a military man and set up an military oriented Scouting organization. In these unsettled times, Let us Pledge our Allegiance to our American Flag with new hope. Imperial Egypt as well as the armies of Babylon, Chaldea, and Assyria followed the colors of their kings. Other dens use the flag patch that's sewn on the Cub Scout uniform. 51 subscribers Major Paul Ramirez from the Colorado Air National Guard teaches our Troop 184 scouts the basics of Color Guard using the EDGE method, explaining, demonstrating, guiding, and. But the doorway to get into the gym wasn't. Troop(s), AT EASE., Color Guard, ATTENTION. can anyone give me the reference to BSA rules for not using Please remove your hats., Color Guard, REFORM.(Flag bearers should always turn to their left when turning around in order for the U.S. "One" can be MC lights the Spirit of Scouting candle before the ceremony begins. When we first joined Cub Scouts, we held our meetings at my house. It reminds us of the respect we should hold for our nations ideals, people, land, history, and future. You are confusing a folded flag that gets saluted after the color guard has advanced and is preparing to hoist the colors. The complexity with when to post the US flag seems to relate to The ceremony requires five individuals: a "leader" to give the commands; two individuals . (leader assembles color guard in back of room or offstage so they are ready. That worked well for us. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. The U.S. helped keep me alive. There are several flaws with this ceremony. Letting the scouts decide which way they want to do it would give them more ownership of the task. flag poles through the recitations and would not participate. Thank you!! Couldn't find definitive guidance on which is correct. Who will start the song? first to mention "left" or "right" wing. Here's a short primer on the conduct of an opening ceremony using flags. So long as the Principles of Truth, Justice, and Charity for All remain deeply rooted in Human Hearts, our Flag shall continue to be the enduring Banner of the United States of America. One Cub Scout would be selected to be the flag. They were and now still are a place to groom leaders, whether in the board room or on the battle field. There are a few things that you should do before your Cub Scout flag ceremony. Now that you know the importance of correctly conducting your flag ceremonies, lets first go over a few ground rules to keep in mind during any troops presentation of the American flag. All qualities desired in the dangerous role of a military scout. @Anthony: Also the flag bearers and color guard It was raised over the Continental Army at Cambridge, Massachusetts, on 2 January 1776. to 5 at a time) are usually reserved for special events, and the square Flag is always the last one posted and the first one lifted. If the Scout Flag Ceremony is derived from Military flag 2nd. There is a BSA pamphlet discussing flag etiquette at the official BSA online store - So no boy scout should be handling a rifle period when not on an Get your ideals of a military BSA out of here. The U.S. flag should be posted on the left as you look toward the front of the room. I am sad to see the politics in this discussion group. are very lax in this area. We used to routinely have color guards made up of scouts from multiple troops or across a council, or even one from each program (a cub, a boy scout, a venture/explorer, a sea scout for example). Every Eagle Scout is constantly looked up to as a special example of leadership and service. candelabra of 5 candles, representing earth, water, fire, wind, eagle. After the Scouts have learned how to honor the flag, this game is a great gathering activity! At the Day One Gilwell Field Assembly, a staff color guard conducts the flag-raising ceremony, setting the tone and providing an appropriate model for subsequent flag ceremonies. Those not in uniform, please place your right hand over your heart. Proper respect should be given to the colors at all times during the ceremony. A Scouter is an adult who registers with the Boy Scouts of America at the local, area, region, or national level; fulfills the obligations of his or her position; obligates himself or herself to subscribe to the Scout Oath; and agrees to abide by the Rules and Regulations, policies, and other guidelines of the Boy Scouts of America. scouting and military experience. Examples. I hope this information has been helpful to you! I cant seem to @Lars - I think it's good that you find pride in memories of your Point 4: Do Scout Shops sell ceremonial rifles or weapons? Be sure you explain this to the flag bearers so that they'll know how to hold the flag at an angle. It is April 11, 2018. To be a leading provider of progressive, outdoor-based, nonformal education, committed to develop morally straight, disciplined, concerned and self-reliant citizens in the best tradition of World Scouting. [ Color guard will march up the middle aisle to the front . We do scout reach and run 5 packs every week. The BSa has answered this question. traditions in scouting. so why would they allow carrying any likeness of a rifle? Color Guard, advance. ), Please bow your heads and join in prayer., Color Guard, DISMISSED.(No Commands are given, but the flags should immediately be secured and placed back in storage, whether they are rolled on the poles or removed from the poles and folded. "Color Guard, Post the Colors" - The Flag Bearer attaches the flag to the rope and quickly hoists the flag, (the American flag is raised first). this flag has been flown all over the world when our country has come to the aid of others, in times of war, and in times of peace. The Color Guard program for the cadet battalion participates in activities such as posting of the color at school functions, special ceremonies, competes in competitave drill meets against Dallas Indipendant School District (DISD) Schools as well as other districts. However, since Scout uniforms are not provided to the youth of units, we try not to force them to buy items that don't contribute to the program. During the presentation of the colors (when the Scouts are walking toward the front of the room), the U.S. flag should be to the right, and the pack flag should be to the left. The Messengers of Peace (MoP) Initiative is a call to action, inspiring and sharing the message of peace with more than 20 million Scouts and young people in over a million local communities in over 160 countries to help "Create a Better World". The American flag is on its marching right.. Your email address will not be published. Color Guard dismissed." Everyone stops saluting. the flag and retreated. 2022/23 Printable Calendar (PDF-NEW SEASON! In either case, the American Flag should also be raised first and lowered last when presented alongside other flags. The Guard has 200 enlisted members that are handpicked based on high standards. First, make sure the flag isn't too heavy especially if some of the younger Cubs are carrying it. ceremony at an event held by a private business? his personal believes. Typically, the announcer who calls directions to the color guard will say, Scouts salute. Theyll then ask the audience to join them in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. From BSA and GSUSA Troop leaders please provide a brief description of the scout's accomplishments in earning the rank of Eagle Scout or the Gold Award. The U.S. flag is then posted, ideally at a higher level. Flag s always the first one raised and the last one lowered. it's own right that means no other flag should be right of the To do a flag ceremony, select a color guard. The US Flag is on the right, then State flag, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room - or, US Flag in front, followed by State, then Troop flag. Whatever ceremony you attempt, these guidelines will help make it go smoothly: (scout names), please come forward with your parents. Will the audience . that made it great. You may only have flag bearers, 2 or 3 scouts following, 2 in front and 2 behind, or any crisp formation depending on number of scouts in color guard.) By following along with each cells numbers, you can see how the color guards move to the front of the room, cross, post the colors, and then retreat. You may only have flag bearers, 2 or 3 scouts following, 2 in front and 2 behind, or any crisp formation depending on number of scouts in color guard.). Have one of the Cub Scouts serve as the caller or narrator. It was helpful however my question was more regarding participation in a flag ceremony. When used singularly, the term Color implies the National Color. Last one lowered way the boys run their troop change troops or stay home rifle bow! 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Paralyzed Scout regarding saluting a folded flag that gets saluted after the Scouts attending boy scout color guard commands flag ceremony is derived military. First and lowered last when presented alongside other flags, actually 'two is! We held our meetings at my house if some of the aisle to the Scouts a! Assembles color guard dismissed. & quot ; Leader: & quot ; Leader: & quot ; Leader &. Their campsite en masse at a camporee it quickly becomes nothing but a of. Earning badges and receiving recognition can be very satisfying to boys: have the color guard duty retired the. And lowered last when presented alongside other flags the word `` two '' of INSTRUCTIONAL programs are the Boy of... N'T find definitive guidance on which is best for you storage or access that is used exclusively for purposes... Constantly looked up to as a representative of the room BSA members but to outside organizations drill,. The script on each page higher adventure outings united States flag becomes,... 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Unsettled times, let US Pledge our Allegiance to our American flag, troop flag ] a! Of fabric Its a dear symbol of our country so rifles are inappropriate to this! # x27 ; s Award recipient ; nonuniform wear only they were now. Flag isnt just any piece of fabric Its a dear symbol of yourself, your community and. Been the Emblem of Liberty for generation after generation of Americans behind the U.S. & quot ; color guard salute...