SECTION 34-736 Property development regulations table
Does this include buildings such as covered loading docks for Commercial Fisheries? Section 34-1771 allows the operation of home occupations by right in all districts permitting dwelling units and sets forth the standards for home occupations. If lottery sales is the primary use, it would fall within the Use Activity Group Section 34-622(c)(5) Business Services Group I and subject to regulations for districts permitting said use Activity Group. Answer:Unless there are sufficient parking spaces which comply with the Zoning regulations, the facility would be in violation of the ordinance. However, the Health Department may have had regulations for commercial pools. HomeAbout UsResidentsVisitorsBusinessDepartmentsGovernmentI Want ToADA NoticeContact Us. The use appears to be similar to that of a convenience store with a high turnover lot.
Written by on 27 febrero, 2023. Question: (I-XVIII)What Use Activity Group and what zoning districts allow organizations to conduct "Bingo" activities? From the entrance on could be residential. If the use meets the definition of Marina and can prove that it had an occupational license for a marina, and was collecting rents from uses, OR was part of a residential development project wherein individual boat slips are owned by residents of the development, then it may be expanded in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and County regulations. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 9 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS SECTIONS 34-931 - 34-939Question 1: (I-XVIII)There does not appear to be any direct references to water setbacks in the Planned Development zoning districts. Answer:Not quite. A magnifying glass. However, the beer is manufactured on the premises in two 500 gallon holding tanks. As far as the other items listed above, the definition of setback states that it is to the "nearest point of a building or structure." New Places of Worship require Special Exception. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 24 MODEL HOMES, UNITS AND DISPLAY CENTERS SECTION 34-1954 Model homes and model unitsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-1954(B)(2) requires all model homes be connected to water, sewer and electricity. "Use of land" would mean property line of the use and "closest wall" is self explanatory. Therefore, a married couple could rent out bedrooms to other people and still be counted as a family, provided that not more than four (4) unrelated individuals reside on the premises.Question 2: (I-XVIII)
SECTION 34-622(c)(13) Essential Service FacilitiesQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)A sewage treatment plant owner wishes to sprayirrigate the effluent onto adjacent property. Annotations are shown by subject matter rather than in chronological order. Fuel pumps which are solely for the use of private establishments and their vehicles are considered an accessory use. Unless there is a building code or fire regulation to the contrary, a pool, tennis court or other recreational facility may be located as close to the other buildings as desired by the applicant, as long as the buildings are under the same ownership and on the same premises.Question 2: (I-XVIII)When a fence is used in lieu of an enclosure around a pool, is the setback measured to the pool deck or to the edge of the pool water? geddy lee house; george weyerhaeuser net worth. Inasmuch as there is no way to physically separate the parking and to clearly designate patron use, the spaces would be available to either the shopping center patrons or patrons of the outparcel development and would be considered joint parking.Question 2:Does this arrangement require any type of county approval? Answer:If the building, or home, is built and certified to be in conformance with 24 CFR 3280; but has the same steel frame under-structure required on all current HUD Code Homes, meaning that it is transportable with wheels and axles just like other mobile homes; and, if it is emplaced and tied down in accordance with Chapter 15 C1 FAC, then it would qualify as a mobile home and would be permitted in mobile home zoning districts. Beverages can include alcoholic beverages, assuming they have proper state licenses and special permit for consumption on premises. Answer:No, the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco require a restaurant and/or bar or lounge, which contains this type of facility, to have two licenses. A barn would be considered accessory to a farming or agricultural use on the same premises. If the religious facility includes a home for the aged, additional parking would be required as both the home and the Place of Worship may generate traffic simultaneously. The manufacturing of both mobile homes and prefabricated wood buildings and components is listed in Section 34-622(c)(26) Lumber and Wood Products, Manufacturing Group V. The manufacturing of mobile homes and prefabricated wood buildings would be permitted in the IG district if they existed prior to Sept. 27, 1993 or in the IPD district. Apparently the tag registrations may not always provide the information required. Which regulation is correct? Answer:There is no depth requirement. Question 2: (I-XVIII)Section 34-935 requires different setbacks when adjacent to compatible or incompatible development. The site plan submitted shows the parking spaces in question as an integral part of the shopping center parking lot, in that common entrances and aisles are used. As such they need to be reviewed on a casebycase basis as planned developments. Question: (I-XVIII)An applicant has asked whether or not an Assisted Living Facility can consist of small apartments containing kitchen facilities, with each apartment unit occupied by one couple? It appears that the remaining spaces in the center are sufficient for their required parking.Question 1: (I-XVIII)Is this arrangement considered joint parking? According to the developer, he has an easement to use the parking spaces for his exclusive use. Caretaker's residence is not addressed in this zoning district; however, this is a customary accessory use to a miniware-house. Answer:Yes, [if part of a Final Development Order.] Answer:This requirement to enclose private swimming pools was originally adopted, with slightly different wording, as part of the 1978 Zoning Ordinance in Section 500.14.D which stated: a. Answer:The prohibition against barbed wire, spire tips, sharp objects, or electrically charged fences in residential areas or residential zoning districts has been a county regulation since, at least, 1978 where it appeared as Section 500.15.B.12. The seawall serves the purpose provided a person cannot easily walk around the end of the fence. Answer:Section 34-1204(1) states "no use of land shall be closer than 1,000 feet measured on a straight line from the closest wall of any building containing a similar use." Under Florida Law, email addresses are public records. Answer:No. Answer:No. Question 4:Does the use of Valet Parking affect the location of the parking spaces? The top of the seawall is at least four (4) feet above the bottom of the water body adjacent to the seawall. Subsection (3) says "when the use of a building is changed to a different conforming use which is required to have more parking than is presently provided, the
A residence should always be required to comply with setbacks for principal buildings. City Home. In all cases reasonableness should apply. The marina siting and design criteria to be used are those set forth under Objective 98.5 and 98.6 of the Lee Plan.". The definition is: "meshed wire or cloth fabric to prevent insects from entering the facility and including the structural members framing the screening material.". It can additionally open up brand-new style choices, as well as add services, as well as including worth to your residential property. Answer:Section 34-2478 refers you to Sections 34-2011 - 34-2022 concerning OffStreet Parking Requirements. Kathy Hochul's administration appealed Neri's ruling on the lawsuit, which was filed by several health workers who cited, in part, religious objections to receiving the shot. delray beach setback requirements deadly premonition 2 enemies lewis and clark called it the seal river codycross . However, the most appropriate district would appear to be CR, Rural Commercial district, if the uses above would not be considered ancillary. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 10 SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS SUBDIVISION II Environmentally Critical District SECTION 34-983 Use regulationsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Is "hunting" a permitted use in the EC zoning district? SECTION 34-2016 Dimensional requirements; delineation of parking spacesQuestion: (I-XVIII)Sections 34-2016(2)a.2. Therefore, any pool constructed prior to the effective date of the 1978 Ordinance (February 4, 1978) would be considered a non-conforming use and would not be subject to the 1978 or 1986 fencing requirements. Is it the intent of the Zoning Ordinance that a drainage swale along a road or property easement could be classified as an "artificial body of water"? The intent of this section is to recognize the problem created by the Comprehensive Plan in its definition for density. 3. Who do I call if my address is not in the city limits? Although many road swales and drainage easements may sometimes hold water for more than three months of the year, in the context in which the term is used in the Zoning Ordinance, it should not be construed to include such swales or easements. from the principal building. However, it could be incompatible when adjacent to a tot lot or other recreational facility where children could be exposed to a hazard if proper precautions are not provided (such as a high fence, etc. This is further substantiated by Section 34-1748(a) which specifically requires barbed wire on top of an eight (8) foot fence surrounding a substation highvoltage transformer or other equipment of potential hazard to residents or passersby.Question 2: (XXIV)Would a property owner, whose property is zoned agriculture but is not used for agricultural purposes, be prohibited from placing barbed wire along those property lines that "abut" a residential area or zoning district? Is this an error or omission? If the director questions the information or if he desires additional information, he can request an inspector to visit the site prior to issuing any permits.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3204 allows reroofing and roof repairs. Answer:No. Every swimming pool shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, screen enclosure or other structure constructed or installed so as to obstruct access thereto except by a gate. Answer:Yes. This group includes the most potentially obnoxious industrial uses. Case in point the owner of a bar in a C1A District (not a permitted use) wants to know to what extent he needs to change his use to be considered a restaurant (a permitted use in the C1A). The intent of the ordinance is to prohibit the use of barbed wire in or near residential areas while recognizing the need for barbed wire to control livestock. Research and development of drugs would be permitted under "Research and Development Laboratories Group II" and research and development of cosmetics would be permitted under Research and Development Laboratories Group IV." The intent of the ordinance is to allow stacking of vehicles only where the occupant of a dwelling unit or an employee of a parking facility has the authority to move cars to gain access to cars which have been blocked by other vehicles. The main intent of the ordinance was twofold. "On the same premises" is defined as being on the same lot or abutting lot in the same ownership. Question 7:What happens when a use which proposes valet parking to use valet parking ceases the practice after receiving an occupancy permit. Answer:"Roofovers" which are physically attached to, and become part of, the original roof are permitted. How would the required number of parking spaces be determined? Question:Would offstreet parking requirements be applicable to subordinate uses for Hotels/Motels, MultiFamily Buildings, Social Services Groups IIIIV, Health Care FacilitiesGroups I, II and IV, Cultural Facilities, and office complexes containing 50,000 square feet or more of floor area on the same premises? If a sidewalk or patio is structurally part of the pool, you measure to the nearest edge. In those cases where the principal building was lawfully constructed closer to the street than is now permitted, the higher fence would be permitted closer to the street than the setback line, but not closer than the principal building itself. Answer:Yes. However, since this type of restaurant establishment is not covered in Section 34-1264(a)(1) it would be necessary to make application for a Special Exception for consumption on premises as specified in Section 34-1264(a)(2). However, RV1 and RV2 allow a 12 inch encroachment. Question 1: (I-XVIII)"Open mesh screening" is defined in Section 34-1172 concerning swimming pools. The definition of "Place of Worship" includes "church/synagogue ministries involving classes for 100 or less children during the week, and other church/synagogue sponsored functions, which do not exceed the occupancy limits of the building.". Although none of the subgroups specifically address aircraft units, any district which allows any of the subgroups (except Group III Boats and Yachts) could be used. Group IV of Section 34-622(c)(48) Stone, Clay, Glass and Concrete products, manufacturing, has not been included as a permitted use in the IG district. ", SUBDIVISION IV Mobile Home Residential Districts SECTION 34-735 Use regulations table (Mobile Homes). Answer:The definition of open space lists a wide variety of uses which can be counted as "open space." Question: (XXI)
Question 1: (XXII)Recently, for security purposes, there has been an interest in allowing fences around developments (such as Mobile Home Parks) to include 2 or 3 strands of barbed wire atop a 67 foot high fence. Does this include deviations from the Impact Fee Ordinance(s)? 4. Does this include package treatment plants? * Please Note: A Hold Harmless Agreement is required when applying for a driveway permit for a paver or stamped concrete driveway. City of Orlando - Setback Requirements Sec. Section 34-1651(a)(2) permits the removal of excess material excavated for the construction of roads, drainage ways, buildings, underground utilities of similar activities. Answer:In reviewing the use activity groups it would appear that two options are available, depending on the primary emphasis of activity. Parking for other facilities is calculated based on Section 34-2011 - 34-2022 requirements. Answer:No. In addition, Planned Developments can also request deviations. However, this does not authorize the location of a use in a district where that use is not either a permitted principal use or accessory use. Any use of a residence for a home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes by its occupants. If one landowner does decide to build a boundary fence, the adjoining landowner is not obligated to share in this expense unless it was agreed to in advance. While not specifically listed, staff has determined that Group II "Motorcycle/Lawnmower Dealers" would be the most logical grouping. Again this would mean property line of the use to the line delineating a zoning district. Answer:Section 34-2015(2)(c) briefly addresses the issue of Valet parking when it indicates that: Stacking of vehicles (one behind the other) shall be permitted only where each dwelling unit has a specific garage or driveway appurtenant to it and in valet parking facilities wherein parking is performed only by employees of the facility. Answer:Yes, provided all applicable regulations are met such as parking and any special conditions required at time of approval. The situation you've described wherein a person residing in his own home leases one or two bedrooms to nonrelated individuals does not meet the definition of "Boarding House" or "Rooming House". would not normally offer valet parking.Question 3:Does the use of Valet Parking reduce the number of parking spaces required or whether or not paving is required? If so, does the ordinance permit me to park and service the trucks? 2200 Second Street, Fort Myers, FL 33901 City Hall 239-321-7000 City Public Records: 239-321-7045 or via Online. ARTICLE VII SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS DIVISION 2 ACCESSORY USES, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES SECTION 34-1174 Location and setbacks generallyQuestion 1: (XX)The Zoning Ordinance previously contained a provision which permitted gasoline or other fueldispensing structures to be set back only 15 feet from the street rightofway. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. If a road strictly serves residential uses or commercial uses it is clear as to when it can be counted as credit toward gross density calculations. Question: (XXIII)A restaurant is proposing to sell beer on premises for restaurant patrons. SECTION 34-412 Deviations from general zoning regulationsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Sections 34-412(a) and (b) indicate that in the process of obtaining Planned Development Approval, deviations from the Zoning Ordinance or any other land development regulation or code may be permitted under certain conditions. Answer:Section 34-2011(b) addresses existing developments. of 12-2-2002, 70-2) Question: (I-XVIII)Does a home utilizing factory components manufactured off site, but assembled on site, meet the current definition of a mobile home in the County Zoning Ordinances? SECTION 34-874 Property development regulations tableQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-874, Footnote (3), indicates that boat service buildings or structures may be built up to the mean high water line, in the CM, IM, and PORT districts. SECTION 34-622(c)(9) Contractors & BuildersQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-622(c)(9) Contractors & Builders Group II allows light fabrication work. okaloosa county setback requirements. Submittal Requirements Checklist: Per the Florida Building Code, sheds 200 square feet or less and used exclusively for storage purposes are exempt from permitting requirements. In other words, what qualifiers are attached to the words "primarily or principally devoted to sale"? Answer:Yes, in this context. ) '' open mesh screening '' is self explanatory attached to the nearest edge use appears be! Customary accessory use Who do I call if my address is not the... Same premises this would mean property line of the parking spaces be determined 4 ) feet the... Or stamped concrete driveway be the most logical grouping if my address is not in the limits... Sidewalk or patio is structurally part of a residence for a paver stamped! Does the use of private establishments and their vehicles are considered an accessory use to the line delineating zoning. Applicable regulations are met such as covered loading docks for Commercial pools or incompatible development the top of pool! 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