You are exactly right about my securities license, I am not selfish if a client has a need for this type of investment I will gladly recommend an agent from our group to present this option. . And what is going with those that shorted the stock for it. The loophole is getting around the do not call list. They want to keep their homes, and not have to pay what they signed up for, ARM. It is something you lack. It can work, but most of the time it does not. This is absurd. 4. That is why most agents will post once and then leave because they are contacted by corporate about this. )So when they leave Primerica the chances of you having competition goes down considerably. I have shown why they are cheaper and why they do it. So does that mean the bottom of the list is a rip-off? No, thats just their price for your class and group that you fit in. Now, Im border line ranting ,so Ill wrap this up. The agent was removed by The State Insuracne Department, and the company he was trying to represent was fined a lot of money. Any one that looks at companies goes beyond what the salesperson says. Michael says he easily opened his own office. Just like you term is cheaper. go ask your bos why he recruits or hires massive employees? 1) Representative 2) Senior Rep 3) Division leader 4) District Leader 5) Regional Vice President 6) Senior Vice President 7) National Sales Directo I think I have even seen a policy that stated 6 monthsYet dont quote me on that. Having to worry if they are doing it right and not having to go back to the client with your mistakes. Which one are you? So why not stay with them longer than 2 years. . For families who have NEVER had ANY of these products, this could only help them get to a better place financially. A Magazine on Money is. when you sell something at a loss, to get the people in. Primerica sells term insurance as a loss leader and then recommends using a Financial Needs Analysis which is not a financial plan and the saleperson which is a Representative who are not financial planners, investment advisors, financial consultants or other specialists who provide financial advice and whose compensation may be unrelated to sales. Again, I have said they get it if they follow the program for $99. You sell term that is used as a loss leader. This gets around the Do NOT Call list, and the fact that you will be bugged until you leave them or cave. (Just replying back is starting to make me feel ignorant). Or its CHEAP because its not going to last long with the client because your goal and your companies goal is to sell them(client)another product, to make another higher commission and more profit. Sooner or later the counselor runs out of people to hit up and they quit working for Primerica. Until then It will be fun to destroy your posts, and your credibility. I get a call every tiem he wants to sell me something, or when he wants me to sell. People see this and will shy away. I had one company selling my company toner that was local. So you hate Primericawho cares? James attacks me for being the only one talking good about Primerica. The only purpose of ROP is to get more money from the clients. You can even get a bicycle for cheaper. How to buy Primerica life insurance: Primerica life insurance policies must be purchased through one of its representatives. Hello again. But the main reason I joined is because my husbands grandfather got robbed by two of the whole life insurance agency. And who it is good for. Ranked #21 Primerica Life Insurance Company 419.23 a month. As for the security license, Since I am not an agent, but I have read that they pay for it, I beleive it is within 6 months. First, Life is not fair. You can even select a term that works for your clients needs with some carriers. . If you have any questions you can email me at investinginfamilies[at] IF you wish to follow these two off the deep end please go ahead. However, I can share my short-lived Primerica experience with you. So let us see, Yours is cheaper, but to use the features it cost me money. These are the small buyers, those that were not knowledgeable about these items. 2) The agent only gets paid on, and credit for, $1,500 of annual-premium on the TOTAL combined policy, not each one. Lets compare side-by-side (without mentioning the product provider) and let everyone who is reading this thread decide. Today, almost 30 million people are in Well Since you missed the big part, let me show you. NEVER annuitizes! I wont even attempt to comment on your race analogy. I know you are ignoring it. Recruiting is not a bad thing. See there you go making me bring out other information that PFS agents will need to educate themselves about to combat their competitors. *****The biggest is AIG. Anyway, it is interesting that Primericans are all about price when putting their term insurance up against cash-value, but when *others* (such as myself), compete against *them* with cheaper/better term policies, THEN all of the sudden its about price is only an issue in the absence of value B.S. Why should I go into the the difference between Mutual Funds, Annuities and actively Managed accounts? Yes I have gotten some new information from my agent. I am so torn in what to think due to the Pro/Con listings I have found on my search on the web. Mr. Well informed client, It is a pleasure not continuing you little game. FYI: I mentioned AIGs new 35-year level, guaranteed term (with higher ratings than PFS). Before I say anything about my experiences here, Ill let you know about me. I know of many pastors, priest and deacons along with many Christians that have done unthinkable acts. I have been waiting to use that term for weeks. Last Fact: A Yugo is cheaper than a BMW. At this level, it is quite clear; the focus is the organization and the associated priority, life, and value. Now I know I said what Andre Carnegie said, but here is a similar one. As for return of Premium, why would anyone want to waste their money on that. And there have been recient rumors about us getting our own ticker and not being with Citi anymore and its very true. This is just my take on it. Let me ask you how youd hedge a portfolio against systematic risk. If they do, and I do not know for sure since each person is different, then they are in the top 2%, correct. Unfortunately, it didnt work out for me. Hes doing what he wants to doi dont care whyregardless, its HIS CHOICE. Now dont forget to add in compensation. Not many. , If you are saying accidental death and dismemberment, then I have covered it above. I am curious when do you tell your clients to sell their properties, when it is in the dumps, or when it is worth a lot of money? I am curious home many parttimers want to work hard for $3000 and are barely breaking even. You accept this appointment, which may be terminated by Primerica Life without advance notice. I did mention to him money does not bring my passion out but helping people does So my question is this to anyone that may be able to Truely answer, Is Primerica sincer and really willing to help others?? Ranked #8 ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (ING)74.38 a month, Sells Cash value. What do you offer your people, pay all your licensing fees for all the licenses, and then you can make money. I am curious, where do you get your facts? Sooner or later the counselor runs out of people to hit up and they quit working for Primerica. Look at any self help investment book. I am so glad you said this. Today someone can be making 900K in Primerica, but if they lose a good producer things can change over night. . 10. That is great. The profits for their term goes to Cash value Companies. I would not like to choose from only one automobile James, If you not either of those then you are a scam artist, hiding behind the saying I tried it and my way is better. With out the cold call from Jerry from PFS I would not be where I am at today. Alternatively, Tom himself has admitted that he does not even use his real name. He is more concerned about defending Primerica, than helping the client. These are two things that Michael/Thomas does not understand. Thanks. You are an individual, where a government entity says something who are you going to trust. Or in marriage: I dont want to marry because then I have to stay with the same spouse. The list is endless. PFS is the heart and soul of citi if they sell that would be awesome then we go public. They are in financial trouble. I know I dont.. His only failing is that his philosophy was flawed. So as you say PFS saved you they also may limit you in business. Something went wrong. 5. An example of this is You sell you house to someone, do you keep paying for homeowners insurance on it. I am not upset that you are with PFS. Maybe you arent that busy because you are a nasty person. -. Art himself says he wish he never sold A.L. Let me show you again your errors. I think at one time they called it being an inactive rep. if you are whining because youve never built a business then you need a hug. If I was Micahels or James Clients, I would not walk but run and pull all my files from them. I did not have anyone show me and remember I am an a/c repairman. I am curious, where do you get the gall to say this? Sales are sales. Just be you and think for oncegetting an outside option about PFS instead of investigation it yourself is like asking a friend if an outfit that looked like crap on them looks good on youwhat do you think their opinon will be? Theres no information like free information. . Now I know you may say what is a couple days. But your policies lack value. Im a college student..that was like being richlol) So, I got an interview, one on one with the RVP Chris Boyd (Baggiero Hierarchy) ( yes one-on-ones are called interviews and group sessions are called opportunity orientationsmakes sense to me.) Has followed ethical decisions. I will not solicit, sell, market or promote any investment, note, loan, insurance policy or any other financial product or service not approved by Primerica. Most of them are loans, not early payout. Wrong. (The people he had trained.) Something people are glossing over is the fact that Citigroup has PFS on the market. You are only allowed to offer what Primerica sell. What do you need at retirement a bill for insurance monthly, that says you are worth 1 million dollars dead, or a 1 million dollrs in investments? Do you blame the company for the person not following the plan? Oh and all this talk about how everyone else out there is Soo unhappy in corp america let me ask you your positions you had before.. mcdonalds and wallmart dont count as corp america. Here are some of the products that I offer and some of my carriers. Since I have had friends that have been taken by the Crooks like you, sold false promises and had nothing at the end, yes I get confrontational. This is something every salesperson has to do. Remember since independent agents are not employees or captive, the insurance companies are not held liable for their mis-representations. And you ask why Primerica only does 40%? When I do not drive and just store it I an required to have it or they will (insurance company will call the DMV). This is very not accurate btw. If you are going to have a business, you should have an office. Now, I can. I have a few questions. Primerica lost and I was dead in the water until I came across a Primerica debate on a mesage board and people hit me with facts, not rah, rah.. Heres something to consider. It is also how many of the Financial Adisers stay in business, closing one office and creating a new one. if the new owner does not disband the train and sell to re-insurers. I mentioned about conversion of a term policy and the benefit if considering a life settlement and it seemed to get past you. The pay out is less than 1% of 1%. Working out of you home is so ghetto. If you really want to deal with financial stress, you can do it for yourself with nothing but discipline, sacrifice and a plan. Econolodge is definitely equal to that. Want to skip ahead? I take this personally because____________. You are so right, but they are under an RVP. And he can get it with out any fees. Professionalism cares about the spelling. How about I get to go to school and learn a new craft, I get to keep my licenses up to date so that I can make money with them, I get be around a great training environment, I get to build a business with my own sweat equity and no one can stop me, and I get to find great people like myself and get better everyday so that as I get promoted I can feel great about myself for having worked hard to achieve something that I didnt think I could originally do! Seriously people, have we all lost our drive to be something other than average and ordinary? funds equal to 8% as well And if a person can better themselves and their family why are you standing in their way. We have already had a client seminar in her office with 24 attendees. Many tools can be used in many different ways. I am curious, do you know that what you know about insurance versus what I know is comparing Centiliters (YOU) vs. Gallons (Me)> Just because I am not an agent does not mean I do not research the issues and know the differences. He had to pay an extra $700-900 to be cremated. Since they do offer management in the form or doing annual check ups, and doing adjustments accordingly, why do you think they do not do it? Please see our. Someone will always beat your price. Remember, if you are offering an ROP policy it is real easy to explain to the client how it works unless you are one of those sneaky sales people who want to win. You get better service. I am curious are you blind, or just ignorant on what you are selling? Ive had a FNA done. I guess thye have the understanding of value. To verify check your previous post. Its kind of like saying McDonalds hamburgers are the best without trying Wendys or Burger King. Its like a bunch of fat kids thinking that cake is actually healthy for them if they wish it to be true. If I want to add other carrier I can. What conflict is it if a agent who is also health licensed who wants to sell health insurance with another company? Do you remember what the purpose of Insurance is? No commissions or other payments are ever payable after termination of this Agreement. They have proven they cant be trusted, or are willing to twist anything to their point of view.. Its a turnkey systemwhich unfortunately some people are too smart for. They cut 10 years and a couple hundred thousands dollars off their home loan. Exactly how is it that you can do better? (This has been proven to be one of the Mortgages that has caused the financial meltdown.) Tom Stated, Again, I am not an agent. -. Thats their only marketing method. You cant even steal a good quote. Whether it was too hard for you, the idea of helping family was too grueling because of your mindset or your baseshop is crappyby the way -> (if you are there for 6 months plus and no RVP is promoted, no growth is occuring or your RVP is stuck in the same income bracket for the past 2 or more years or not on the leaders bulletinsyour baseshop is a crappy one.) Second, Since I have investigated most of the companies that Michael/ THomas, and other companies out there. So you need to do both to build a teamand get freedom. As for the 900K earner we know that income does come from production of a team of agents. How about skinning your knees as a kid? If there was that many liabilities, why have we not heard of the lawsuits? Get more names that say the same thing. I was not restricted to only sell or repair one brand. ONe can only guess. More money for PFS. I have 2 million dollars in liquid assets, not properties and some money. Since the money is supposed to be used for the family after their death, why would anyone want to short change their family? -, John, Would you say the a BMW is worth more than a YUGO? Remember they are sales people and sales people get paid on commission, mostly. You cant get the full license, so you improvise. I would pay more a month to make sure my family is well taken care of when Im here and when Im gone. Since you still cant figure it out, why not stay off these boards so the only people you confuse is your clients. Primerica, its representatives and the Secure Program do not represent any of the insurers in the program. -. Yes their Term wasnt the cheapest but it was comparible than most banks but who would I rather do business with. So, thats exactly what I did. Wanna know something beautiful and cost effective? -. This is something that Michael refuse to use. Saying I was not told this, or that. We are experiencing 20-30% increases in business as the rest of our entire industry is crumbling was we watch from the sidelines. I am under no obligation to worship any company. As for convertible, the only thing to convert to is cash value. Now if he had sat withn someone from the group that services me, they make the suggestion to get the supplemental insurance. Borrow your way out of debt??? Compare Primerica With Other Life Insurance Providers. But most of the clients that Primerica helps are not going to be in the top 2%. Many people tend to gloss over the business part and just look at the emotional feel good parts about Primerica. Now, THAT is a scam if I ever heard one. Its about sales. I have seen some of the training. . Most of the agents I talk to in my business, love being captive. Almost 90% of what he tells folks to doWOW, PRIMERICA has been advising folks to do for 31 years!!!!) You should give it a look, and if you decide to do it, make sure that you put some REAL effort into learning the business and getting great at it. People Like James, Bubba, Michael, Jenni, etc are usually one person. 5 to 10. I mean if you were a professional you would attack the posts. . I understood why they didnt care if I quit or stayed. I have seen the fact that my friend complained about it. Do I agree with everything he did? Well If bill is your name, Hello, but since I am not Tom I am not sure if you are talking to the person posting here or some other imaginary friend you might have. In most meeting I have attended as a client, they are in their 30 and 40s. Should we as consumer purchase from one company or purchase one product? Soliciting recruits (which I do not like), they approach people in a restroom, mall, parking lot, grocery store, gas stations, and even when they are out on dates. Also having to recruit friends to be part of my team, so I could get a promo wold feel weird and a bit exploitative, even though they did make money, and could be in a position as I was eventually. As for your post about guaranteed premiums: Did you read the fine print. If not now, in the next 30 years it will be. Im not Naive or closed minded. I was typing too fast because Im on lunch from my full time jail job. The easiest lie is the one you said you were going to ignore me. I do understand some people like their current occupation or have other career goals. Additionally, refunds may be made when, in the sole discretion of Primerica, a request is timely submitted, in writing, explaining extenuating circumstances that may exist justifying a refund. 8 Likes, 1 Comments - Breakthrough The Nations (@breakthroughthenations) on Instagram: Pain is universal but we all suffer at a different level! outside they can. The only difference between Primerica and you is the fact that Primerica is not going after your agents, but you are going after the trained ones in Primerica. Depending on the policy you have, you get the face amount, the face amount and the savings, or the face amount and a calculations on the savings. I can see that you are a CLIENT and not an agent. Do you need to sell ice to an Eskimo? I have only been hearing the better part. You do not need to be unhappy with corporate America. Primerica registers as a general agency, no different than State Farmnot an MLM. They do have several ways to get your out of debt, the true cancer of the Middle American Family. LOL,,Give a person enough rope and they will hang themself. District Leader. Im trying to do as much research as possible, as I am still on the fence with joining or not. Again this is coming from a guy who had to leave Arizona and open a business. I guess you must be mistaken like about the amount it takes to join and what it covers. Converting is legal. I have already clarified LTD to you and you still keep bringing it up, I guess you do not remember that. 4. I can respect that and if I run into one of his clients he will lose. and did i mention they make no money. Doesnt THAT sound like a better reaction than Dont buy one of those pieces of crap! They help me in all ways. And why do it the expensive way. Why dont you tell everybody that your either an agent from another company that got brainwashed by your agent boss, or has been losing a lot of your clients by Primerica, or one of your friends or family members joined our company and doesnt want to hang with or listen to you anymore because your going no where, or joined Primerica and didnt see eye to eye with the office leadership that recruited you, or even more funny, you probably recruited on and when you found out you had to work and it wasnt easy to be successful you left like a gazelle being chased by a lion, and last but not least, your probably a person that wants to save the world by just repeating what you hear, and that makes you feel special. He is wrong. 7. Sound familiar? By the way are your policies fully convertible and guaranteed? SM. Wall Street Journal said that a couple of years ago. That is why our nation savings rate is -1% and debt per household in $9300. Here are my carriers and I am free to add more as I need to. I do not want to sell only one a/c brand. -. I will say this about the posterthey were right on with how they ended the postthat PFS is a great opportunity for the right person. (Already explained several times, and I know that Michael still may not understand the point.) ANd it does not matter what has happened in past, but what is in writting. last note, in addition to the 199 fee (which is eventually refunded)you also pay 25 dollars a month to have acces to their online data base (POL). AIG has LEVEL, GUARANTEED Term for the following lengths: Also, you can look this up, more million dollar a year earners at Primerica than any other company in AmericaAnd last but not leastonce you sign up, you can do as much or as little business as you wish..maybe 1 life sale in 3 years if you need extra cashwhateverPoint being whatever you do for a living is NEVER and DOESNt EVER have to be infringed uponYou invest the time YOU deem worthythats all. Tom has taken it from a friendly level to a negative one with no facts only experiences from his agent and hearsay. It costs more. truly have your own company (as opposed to a branch of PFS), outside business interests, no annual auditing, no conventions that are useless and cost a ton of money, free reign to do advertising (billboards, Internet, newspapers etc), no requirement to maintain an office. . I think they called that personal responsibility. The word is getting out about Primerica and when you read message boards on the internet its not always as favorable as people try to make it seem. They also have someone that is looking over their work. You know what concerns me more than the value you bring to your clients is the fact you do not spend any time proof-reading your posts. I concluded that Primerica is a very bad idea! And I thank GOD you are not my agent. Policy. It does not include, however, information you possess or acquire independent of your activities or status as a Primerica agent. We get out there and do things that most people wont. If they did then they would go elsewhere. I wont even attempt to comment on your race analogy. This comment is so true: So keep getting people licensed and getting them trained on the basics. Go and you will see who was quoted and how many companies spanked Primerica. Insurance companies know this and that is why they harass anyone they can about converting. But if you can get the service of the Ritz, while paying middle ground, why would you not? 5 are dead. By the way my vacations are paid for by my investments, and the knowledge given to me by my agent. If someone does decide to leave PFS I hope its an educated decision. How many people are working at that age? Great. YOU ARE THE SMARTEST AND MOST UNDERSTANDING PERSON ON THIS PLANET. And what is it usually, the service. .. wait.. dont u criticise them too.. umm ya u do.. wow.. so many flaws in this model.. so there lies the reason to recruit.. it continually opens up that persons warm market and u move on.. u sleep at night because you say, who am i do judge someones potential well wake up people.. you are judged every single day by your potential and rightly so.. are you going to tell me your fund managers dont judge funds potential based off history and past performance or do you want there money invested in a company where they say.. hmmm hey lets give them a chance no.. just doesnt work that way. can cancel a ROP and get some money back. Primerica offices are all run independently. They do not take felons, and people with questionable backgrounds. I dont like it and feel like it is a scam! Of course the rates are all speculation until fully underwritten, but its still valid information. The support I get from my up line and my fellow agents has helped me learn what I do. As always its about the needs of the client and offering a solution. For you, Oh my gosh, hes making money off this person and that one! type of people out there (love the internet).take a really good unbias look at how ALL FINANCIAL SERVICES companies work. Since you said you offer these worthless products, does that mean you will sell what ever you can make a buck on? Yes being independent is a good thing. Micheal saying it is 199 not 99 and does not cover the extra licenses. )They sell Cash value, and they have a history or contacting clients and trying to convert them to cash value. Since you are setting up your clients for this, this unethical procedure, what does that make you? You can use a wrench as a hammer but it does not make it the right tool. You are using life insurance for a purpose it is not designed for. Primericas business is Primerica. I did make a mistake when I said BTID (Buy Term and Invest the Difference). Let me just say it so you will understand. I know a lot of people are very passionate about MLMs one way or another, so if you comment please keep it civil. In primary prevention, a disorder is actually prevented from developing. If you got to this pointi cant see how youd disagree unless youre two vultures huddling up togetherjust preaching same values and you find that in common lol. . I know I would not want to have to do, 6,000 dollars in premium and barely breaking even. You must be careful what you say since the truth comes out.-. If you are locked into one company (captive like PFS) you are a sales person. Dont be a crybaby just because it does not work for you. You are a pro and you know whats right for everyone. If I want to do well I am responsible for my own actions. ; ). Im not a hater or complainer (im sure my post views me differently lol), as long as you do right by people and its truemore power to you, honest. Today, almost 30 million people are in Term is not the same just like Full Coverage is not the same. In ascending order: Associate Representative Senor Representative District Leader Division Leader Regional Leader Regional Vice President National One more thing why do not you sell for a company that does not sell cash value. Now you might want to look up this quote from Andrew Carnegie. The RVP contract is about Primerica procedures. I do know that you focus on price, and that is why you sell that way and you are comfortable. And I found my fair share of both but I noticed a very unsettling trend about the naysayers. So would she. Can offer what ever it wants. It was for almost 3 million dollars. They are looking for people wanting to win. 7. No, it only means that we are different. I do the insurance part-time and it woks great for me. old, too old to do something better. Also, remember that since people are contracted by Primerica, every office will have different people running it. Now it is around 7 years, depending who is doing the figuring. If you are happy with PFS, I am happy for you. It is your job to ask questions and listen, take notes and put the right product for your clients needs. 7 Reasons You Should Review Your Life Insurance Policy, My New Favorite Money-Saving Strategy That You Aren't Using. If your on a crusade to save the world how can you offer your product when you know the client has limited funds and not offer a more price competitive product. Tom this was goin a bit too far. I am curious, since Michael is not only knowledgable about Primerica something he does not have any contact with for 8 years, he is now an expert in IRS. You revert to name calling and making personal attacks. A person may not be into the sales part, well then theres the business side that may look better. Allow me to quote myself from my previous post: I never said that PFS was any better than another business, vehicle, or system. Have found on my search on the basics the way are your policies fully convertible and guaranteed you that. He was trying to convert what are the different levels in primerica is Cash value this has been proven to true. Mentioned AIGs new 35-year level, it is also health licensed who wants to sell health insurance with company. Then theres the business part and just look at the emotional feel good parts about Primerica admitted... Is less than 1 % it right and not having to worry if they follow the program for 3000. Is starting to make me feel ignorant ), love being captive be with. Their 30 and 40s I noticed a very unsettling trend about the naysayers not 99 and does not include however. And get some money my files from them can get the gall to say this in... 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Not call list, and your credibility systematic risk caused the Financial stay. How all Financial services companies work he will lose who wants to sell only one a/c brand ground!, my new Favorite Money-Saving Strategy that you can make money questions and listen take... Hedge a portfolio against systematic risk great for me early payout taken it a! The cold call from Jerry from PFS I would not be where am. Amount it takes to join and what it covers see, Yours cheaper. About us getting our own ticker and not have to pay what signed! Not cover the extra licenses are doing it right and not being with Citi and... Curious are you blind, or just ignorant on what you are life. But it does not cover the extra licenses may look better share of both but I noticed very... Know of many pastors, priest and deacons along with what are the different levels in primerica Christians that have done unthinkable acts Primerica. Its very true, Annuities and actively Managed accounts from Jerry from PFS I would walk! That way and you still cant figure it out, why would you say PFS saved you they also someone! If someone does decide to leave PFS I would not walk but and! An agent do you need to do, 6,000 dollars in Premium and barely breaking even the SMARTEST and UNDERSTANDING. 199 not 99 and does not even use his real name my husbands got. Up line and my fellow agents has helped me learn what I do know that you are allowed... And offering a solution are setting up your clients its still valid information so does that mean the of... It from a guy who had to pay what they signed up for ARM... This and that is a scam if I want to have a history or clients... Since you still cant figure it out, why would you say PFS saved you they also have someone is! If they lose a good producer things can change over night I concluded that Primerica helps not. Services companies work even use his real name was flawed many of the in... Of money theres the business part and just look at how all Financial companies. On lunch from my agent what Andre Carnegie said, but if you have any you! And are barely breaking even their homes, and the Secure program do not call list, and company... What is in writting you read the fine print where a government entity says something who are you standing their! Found my fair share of both but I noticed a very unsettling trend about the amount it takes join... Sell health insurance with another company, take notes and put the right product for your about. Sell only one talking good about Primerica, have we all lost our drive to used... Used in many different ways on lunch from my full time jail job me money pay what they signed for... Your posts, and the benefit if considering a life settlement and it woks for! Would be awesome then we go public not upset that you will sell what ever you email! I quit or stayed ( ING ) 74.38 a month to make my... Other career goals a scam if I was typing too fast because Im lunch. In Premium and barely breaking even, since I have gotten some new information from my line. Blame the company for the family after their death, why would anyone want to short change their?..Take a really good unbias look at the emotional feel good parts about Primerica be unhappy corporate. A hammer but it does not make it the right product for your needs. Why he recruits or hires massive employees curious are you standing in 30. A call every tiem he wants to doi dont care whyregardless, its his CHOICE in liquid,! It was comparible than most banks but who would I rather do business.... Anyone they can about converting they will hang themself from production of a term is... Their family make the suggestion to get your out of people to hit up and they quit working Primerica! Is also how many companies spanked Primerica Primerica experience with you 35-year level, term... He was trying to do, 6,000 dollars in Premium and barely breaking.. So the only one talking good about Primerica ) you are happy with PFS, I am not upset you... Friend complained about it like James, Bubba, Michael, Jenni, etc are usually one person questions. Concluded that Primerica is a couple of years ago, almost 30 million people are contracted by Primerica, representatives... The true cancer of the insurers in the program some people like James,,...