Families | Labor Relations Articles and Additional Resources. FAIRFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS FAIRFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07004 December 21, 2022 Grade 4 Teacher: (Maternity Leave) Approximately March 9, 2023 to the end of the school year. Gift to District Form; Registration; School Performance Reports ; Superintendent. At other times, our roles as good citizens and professionals make our responsibilities more complex. News | Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. Attendance Counselors *NOTE: Districts are asked to supply their settlement increases inclusive of the cost of increment, as well as any additional dollars added to enhance the salary guide. Employee Compensation/Salary Schedules/Contract Information; Employment Opportunities; Employment Verification . Monroe Township, NJ 08831. If the matter is not related to CP&P, you have rights under Weingarten, which means that you have a right to Association representation at the meeting. Teacher Contract (2021-2025) Secretary Contract (2019-2023 . PowerSchool SIS (Teacher Sign In) SEL Resource Page for RPS Educators; Staff Handbooks; Staff/Team Site; Swank - Academic Streaming Service; Teaching & Learning Google Site; . Academics; Athletics; Buildings & Grounds; Special Education . 2016 West Corporation. S T U Contact your Association Representative or the WTEA office on Green Street prior to entering the meeting for advice on how to proceed and for representation. Access the benefits of being an NJEA Member, lots of deals and savings to find here. East Windsor Regional School District. SCHOOL BOARD OF HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY 901 East Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, FL33602 (813) 272-4000 Jeff Eakins, Superintendent SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Tamara P. Shamburger, Chair . 2021-22 Certified Administrator and Teacher Salary Report (most current available/posted 09-13 . If the matter is related to CP&P, you have the right to seek the assistance of an attorney before making a statement. Contracts - West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District Select a School Language West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District 321 Village Road East, West Windsor, NJ 08550 1-609-716-5000 | Fax 1-609-716-5012 HOME About Us Parents & Students CALENDARS Departments Schools Newsroom Contracts Required, NJ certification Pay per teachers' contract Not a tenure track position Those interested in this position should submit their request to santanar@fpsk6.org, by January . Phone. Tentative settlements are not calculated into the above averages until fully ratified by both parties. Scholarships A4-1/A4-2 Tuition Calculation; District-Wide Budget; Transfer Worksheets; User Friendly Budgets; Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Information; Data Submission and Information. Pleasantville Union Free School District. Achievement Schools: Tiers, Principals, Area Superintendants Renaissance Schools not currently designated Achievement Schools Proposed Salary Agreement 2017-2019 Teachers and Education Support Professionals Proposed Salary Agreement 2017-2019 for Teachers and ESPs 2016-2019 Instructional contracts: Contract_Teacher_2016-2019 Duty Exclusions MOU Contact Us. Paraprofessional Bargaining Agreement. Our attorney's experience is that both leaving early and termination for cause can have drastic and severe consequences when reported to the Department of Education. The following are some guidelines to keep in mind in dealing with this This law includes the concepts of offer, acceptance, mutual assent, and consideration. Gifted & Talented Therefore, our ability to provide you with the most comprehensive data available depends on you. Job Descriptions; Job Openings; NJ Certification Information; Student Teachers; Substitute Employment; Calendar . SERIES 0000 - Bylaws . 2022-2023 Agendas, Minutes and Meeting Notices; . Annual School District Budget. In other words, if you are leaving School District A for School District B, you have the right to negotiate placement on your new salary guide with the board of education. P Q R ADMIN USE . UCTA Contract (Union Certified Teachers Association) USPA Contract (Union Support Personnel Association) If you encounter a problem with this website, please contact the Webmaster. Administrator / Board Secretary (2022-2023) Superintendent of Schools (2021-2024) Visit Us. According to Statute 18A: 29-9, Whenever a person shall thereafter accept office, position, or employment as a member in any school district of this state, his initial place on the salary schedule shall be at such point as may be agreed upon by the member and the employing board of education.. . Speak out for students about the over-reliance on for-profit standardized testing. (609) 376-3500, Governor Phil Murphy Lt. https://www.nj.gov/dcf/ Facebook Page; Twitter Feed; Youtube Channel; Website by . J K L Fundamental to this assurance will be inclusive learning communities in our schools where the equal value. Daniel Fonder 22-23 Contract. 5:34-1 et seq. To complete the GCN Training Tutorials, please click on the link below. Privacy Notice | Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. All Berlin School Administrators received updated Title IX training on March 4, 2021. 765 Broad Street Normally a teacher is required to give 60 days notice before she quits. To view a chart of average settlement rates since 2007-08 school year through today, please click on this link: Historical Settlement Chart. Daniel Silvia 22-23 Contract. Job Opportunities and How to Apply Employee Contracts Insurance Broker: Township of Ocean Schools. Contact Us; Consultants & Vendors . 973-733-7333 EWEA Contract 2019-2022; EWRMA Contract 2022-2027; . . Premier professional learning event for NJ educators. If you have any questions, please contact the Board of Education office. State laws do not govern the tenure process at private schools. and the Woodbridge Township Board of Education and covers the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. . The Ridgewood Public Schools, committed to a tradition of excellence and innovation, in partnership with the community, provide a rich and challenging learning environment, enabling students to maximize their unique potential to become lifelong learners and productive, responsible citizens. BOE / SEA Sidebar Agreement - New Coaching Positions, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum Contract, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Contract, Custodial, Maintenance, and Groundsmen Contracts, District Anti-Bullying Coordinator & Homeless Liaison: Shannon Benson, Executive Director of Personnel and Pupil Services ~ 973.729.2155, DCP&P Liaison: Jodi Skiba-Fitzpatrick ~ 973.729.3165, New Jersey Department of Education State School Climate Coordinator: hib@doe.nj.gov, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). NJEA Regional UniServ Office 732-287-4700. Flemington-Raritan Regional School District; Employment Contracts; Human Resources. TAP Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement 23-24 Calendar. The term "board of education" also shall include the board of N.J.A.C. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from NJSBA. View Map. This address will bring you to NJEAs secured, staffed parking lot with lights behind the building. Resources for tackling your student loan debt. With NJEA, you are never alone, whether you are negotiating a contract, defending . NJEA members who are military retirees, veterans, JROTC instructors, reservists, and NJ National Guard. Our vision is to maximize the resources of our schools, homes, and communities in a shared and collaborative effort to provide a strong foundation that nurtures every students academic and personal growth in their journey toward becoming a successful, confident, competent and self-respecting young person. Content area associations for educators to network and grow. For a detail listing of settlements, as well as other comparative data reports, please log in the Negotiations Data Portal (members-only) section. relevant learning experiences and curricula that nurtures their confidence and academic growth. Should they need to be used, the district has 2 emergency days remaining for the 2022 - 2023 school . If youve recently settled your teachers contract and that settlement does not appear in the above report, please complete this Teacher Contract Settlement Survey or contact Sandy Raup, Business Data Analyst, at (609) 278-5224 or sraup@njsba.org. Access the benefits of being an NJEA Member lots of deals and savings to find here. Connect & effect change to make public education more equitable. Search millions of records from government and public databases, brought to you by The Record and NorthJersey.com. D. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "Board" when used hereafter in this Agreement shall refer to the Board of Education, City of Woodbury, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey. The data contained in our reports is only as complete as the information we receive from each district. Needless to say, the WTEA and NJEA provide assistance to our members in seeking legal remedies not just through grievances but in all possible legal venues. Curricular Resources Millburn, NJ 07041 Phone: (973) 376-3600. Reading-Fleming Intermediate School (5-6), Flemington-Raritan Regional School District, Flemington-Raritan Administrators Contract - 2022-2027 (coming soon). Schools Parent Portal Board Calendar. . Educators | 21 Belmont Avenue, Dover, NJ 07801 Phone / Fax (973) 989-2000, (973) 989-2077 . Summary: The Health and Physical Education staff member shall make every effort within the area of their professional expertise to help students develop the skills concepts and attitudes in the realm of physical fitness and health. One of the oldest questions asked of union members by one another is Which side are you on? Sometimes this is an important question for us to ask. Newton, NJ 07860. TEACHERS AND ATHLETIC TRAINERS SALARY SCHEDULE Two-23 If you are accepting employment in a different school district, you may want to contact the local president there before you agree on salary guide placement. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Staff Contracts District Professional Development Plan . Home; Schools" Memorial School; . You should never attend any meeting without representation in which your performance is criticized, negatively evaluated, or in which you face discipline. Google Chrome; Safari The files may not work properly with Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Requests by tenured employees for unpaid personal leave prior to childbirth, following childbirth and/or adoption shall be granted for the duration of the school year in which these events occur, plus one (1) or two (2) additional school years, if requested by the employee. Mount Laurel. It may render the teacher unemployable. A B C The new pay floor in the 8,000-student suburban district appears to be the highest in Colorado. NBOE Careers Scott Heeney Employment Contracts . powered by Educational Networks . Some schools have eliminated teacher contracts entirely, replacing them with a straight at-will arrangement. Jackson School District is hiring Substitute Teachers! Personnel Contracts Sparta Education Association Contract BOE / SEA Sidebar Agreement - Job Coach School Business Administrator Contract - Michael Catalano . District-Wide Early Contract Hiring Pool (SY23-24): Special Education Teacher . Protect schools as safe and inclusive for all students. When we struggle to preserve and improve our terms and conditions of employment or when we fight employment injustice, the sides can be as clear as day. It determined that a non-renewed teacher could establish that the school's decision not to renew her contract is an adverse action as long as the renewals was . In such cases, enforcement of our rights is accomplished not through a grievance under the CBA, but through a different legal process, perhaps a petition to the Commissioner of Education or a claim filed in state or federal court. Legal Statement & Disclaimers | By definition, a grievance is a "claim by an employee or the Association based upon the interpretation, application, or violation of policies, agreements, and administrative decisions affecting an employee, group of employees, and/or the Association". Parsippany - Troy Hills Township Schools. School District Transparency Act; Purchasing. 5219. The question of "what is grievable" presents itself to advocates on an almost daily basis. Typically, member versus member gripes, personality clashes with management, a dislike of managerial procedures, and claims that take issue with inherent management prerogatives are non-grievable. This page is designed to provide the contractual information for District personnel. We have the following opportunities available: 5 days per week. The Westminster school district north of Denver will pay beginning teachers a starting salary of nearly $61,000, according to a new contract tentatively approved by the district and teachers union Monday. be changed upon consultation agreement between the School District of HIB & Affirmative Action Officer: Clifton J. Thompson, State School Climate Coordinator: HIB@doe.nj.gov. Contracts CHASA CHASP CHEA EACH Campus Police Salary Guides 2022-2023 Teacher's Salary Guide 2021- 2022 Teacher's Salary Guide Immediate response call/text 813-792-3414. 2022-2025 BREA Agreement Contract. Calendar; Portals; CLASSLINK . In an attempt to further narrow down the breadth and scope of this definition, a good rule of thumb in determining whether an issue is grievable is if you answer "yes" to any of the following questions: Notice that a claim can be the basis for a grievance, even if there is no explicit provision in the CBA which seems to establish the claim. C. Compliance Between Individual Contract and Master Agreement . Maywood Public Schools Maywood, New Jersey. District Calendar 2022-2023. Access to quality resources to add to your professional career. V W X Pay rate is based on education and certification: Substitute Certification (60 credits or 30 credits if currently enrolled in school) - $130.00 per day. All rights reserved. C. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "School District" when used hereafter in this Agreement shall refer to the Woodbury School District. Work hard. All Rights Reserved. Middle and high school students interested in pursuing a career in public education. Employee Contracts. Did you know that placement on a salary guide is negotiable for members moving from one school district to another? Health and PE Teacher Leave Replacement Opportunity April 2023 to November 2023. Statewide, the median teacher salary rose to $68,985 last school year, according to new state data. Resources: Is it discriminatory treatment compared to the way other employees are treated? All settlement information is reported to NJSBA through surveys to the district administration offices. High School Teachers of the Year; High School Photo Gallery; High School Staff; . Click Here. . This may not answer all of your questions concerning grievability, but it will hopefully clear up some confusion. Following your recuperation period you are no longer eligible to receive sick leave benefits for that particular disability. Union Contracts; Newark Board of Education. School Meals; Staff Directory . I hope that this helps clear up some confusion on the process of identifying a grievable issue. -2023) Office of Professional Employees International Union Local 32 (2020-2024) 292 Parsippany Rd, Parsippany, NJ 07054 | Phone 973-263-7200 | Fax . The current collective bargaining agreement was ratified by the WTEA and the Woodbridge Township Board of Education and covers the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. webmaster@nullnps.k12.nj.us, District Protocols and Ingress Procedures BARRINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE TEACHER CONTRACT APPROVAL(2019-2022) Michael Messore, Superintendent NOV 08, 2019 Good afternoon, The following press release is being sent to you on behalf of the Barrington School Committee: . Governor Sheila Oliver, ACFR/AMR Search and Sample Statements/Schedules, Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Information, Application for Special Education Extraordinary Aid, Application for State School Aid Instructions, Nonpublic Project Completion Report (NPCR), Chapter 192-193 Funding Statement & Additional Funding Request, Report of Nonpublic Auxiliary and Handicapped Services, Private Schools for Students with Disabilities, Social Security Contributions System (FICA), Taxpayers' Guide to Education Spending (TGES), Special Education Tuition Contract Agreement, Special Education - Extended School Year --Tuition Contract Agreement for County Special Services, Special Education Tuition Contract Agreement for County Special Services Districts, Special Education Tuition Contract Agreement for County Vocational Districts. Some locals have contract language to this effect. . The CBA includes legal provisions (and the history of labor law imputes to all agreements certain assumptions) which make it possible to files grievances in a number of other areas. Fax. D E F Is it a violation of managements own rules? NBOE School Calendar Is it an inherent employer responsibility, such as health or safety? Make the most of your career while advocating for students. NJEA members who work in charter schools. DOE A to Z, Statewide: NJ Home | No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from NJSBA. Connecting the school to parents and the community to benefit everyone. Administrator Contracts - Mountain Lakes School District Mountain Lakes School District 96 Powerville Road, Suite 1, Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 973-334-8280 Administrator Contracts Last item for navigation Mountain Lakes School District Our District Business Office Administrator Contracts Subscribe File Name Size No Items Available. COVID-19 Staff . WTEA Office 732-634-5028 General Information; Employment Contract for Dr. Leonard Fitts, Interim Superintendent of Schools (Dates of enforcement: July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023), Employment Contract: Scott Bisig, Business Administrator/Board Secretary (Dates of enforcement: July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023). Phone: 973-315-5255 . Non-renewal notices have gone out to at least 14 elementary school teachers in Union Township, 11 educators in Glen Rock, 36 staff members in Lakewood and 70 staffers in Toms River. We apologize, but there was an error submitting your message. District Leadership & Staff; Employment - Open Positions; Employment - Substitute Teachers; . Trenton, NJ 08625-0500, The telephone number for CP&P is 1-800-531-1261. More complete information has been provided to all Association Representatives and members may call the WTEA office at any time for clarifications. NJ Teacher Elementary Teacher Certification . Box 428, School Street Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095 732-750-3200 Jonathan Triebwasser, President . In the event that you discover that you are the subject of a CP&P investigation, you should immediately contact a member of the WTEA or NJEA staff. Find your passion. NJ 07607. Superintendent Contract - Klaus 2020-2023. Welcome to Contracts. Examples would be our pension rights and tenure rights of teachers and secretaries. If you qualify, you may take up to twelve weeks of family leave in which you would receive health benefits but no salary. NCTQ's Teacher Contract Database includes policy information on over 145 school districts across the country. PowerSchool Parent Portal, HIB Grades (District) Substitute Teachers; Skip Sidebar Navigation. Commonly requested Pages and Links from within NPS web site. 815.577.4000. NJEA funds for association community outreach projects. The Title IX Coordinator for the Berlin Public Schools in Denise Parsons, Director of Human Resources E-Mail. You must present a note from your physician attesting to your ability to work during that four-week period. Classroom Teachers Pre-K - 12 educators. The New Jersey School Boards Association, a federation of boards of education, provides training, advocacy and support to advance public education and promote the achievement of all students through effective governance. NJ Department of Community Affairs Home > Divisions & Offices > Local Government Services > Programs > Public School Contracts Law Public School Contracts Law The Division provides assistance to public and charter schools by providing guidance and assistance in the procurement process required under the Public School Contracts Law. For example, The teachers evaluations will be consistent with the Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey Act (TEACH NJ). Good News About NJ Public Schools Learn how NJ public schools are the best in the nation! Salaries of NJ teachers. Truancy Task Force, Lunch Applications/Titan School Solutions Dover Teachers' Union Bargaining Agreement. 2022-2023 Emergency Virtual or Remote Instruction Plan, Special Education Annual Performance Report, McKinney Vento/Assistance for Homeless Families, Professional Day Request Forms and Procedures, New Student Enrollment and KG Registration, Free and Reduced Price School Lunch Application, AlphaBEST Before and After School Program. and inherent dignity of every student is honored and sense of belonging is promoted and sustained. Princeton Public Schools. Summary: The Health and Physical Education staff member shall make every effort within the area of their professional expertise to help students develop the skills concepts and attitudes in the realm of physical fitness and health. All Rights Reserved. Tentative Agreement Reached By Mt Laurel Educators, School Board - Moorestown, NJ - The members of the Mount Laurel Education Association have been working without a contract for about 10 months. Contracts. DEOP - CBA. Contracts may require the board to give full credit to an employee moving from one district to another while other contracts may spell out limitations. Karen Jones 22-23 Contract. Follow Us Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube . It is important that all members be aware of the Head Association representative in their building. If such a meeting is scheduled, you may adjourn the meeting until an Association representative is available. Advocacy & professional development training. Substitute Teachers; Glen Rock High School; Glen Rock Middle School; Glen Rock Organizational Chart; HIB; Fernandez declined to discuss potential incentives because of impending contract. South Brunswick School District The Award Winning Public Schools of South Brunswick, New Jersey PO Box 181 Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 732-297-7800 In thi event, keep a record of your call and the person to whom you spoke. Celebrate reading and improve literacy with educators statewide. Contact the WTEA office for specific questions and assistance in preparing your maternity leave request. Learn about this important part of your compensation package. DISTRICT CONTRACTS. Virtual Field Trips and Experiences Resources, District COVID-19 Guidelines and Communications, Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction, Affirmative Action & Comprehensive Equity Plan , Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Union Contract Archives. Employment Contract: Jaime Cangialosi-Murphy, Director of Human Resources (Dates of enforcement: September 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023). Trace the path from NJEAs founding to today. Phone: (732) 723-2200Fax: (732) 251-7666105 SUMMERHILL RD, Spotswood, NJ 08884 Academics Curriculum and Instruction Athletic Programs There are typically four major recognized categories of grievances, which are: violation of the agreement (an act of ignorance, carelessness, error, omission, or commission by the Board or its agent which is known to be contrary to the terms of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA); disagreement of interpretation (the facts of the issue are usually clear and not in dispute, but the grievance comes from a dispute in the interpretation of the language of the CBA); dispute of fact (the parties agree on the meaning of the language of the CBA, but the issue is whether the alleged violation of the CBA did or did not occur, and equity disputes (usually based on the Associations claim that the Board or its agent has abused its discretion, or exercised a right in an arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory manner). Deliveries To Union; Supplier Resources; . A-Z Sitemap 815.577.4000 D202 Inbox. Powered by Edlio. Contracts; Agendas & Minutes. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Teacher's contracts which start with the 2022-23 school year are reporting an average salary increase of 3.46% for 2022-23 (based upon 111 ratified settlements) and 3.33% for 2023-24. . 765 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102 . New Jersey Regional Day; Newark Evening High School; Charter Schools. Lawrence Township Public Schools is an affirmative action/equal opportunity/ADA employer. February 29, 2008. Phone: (908) 284-7561 Fax: (908 . 201-845-9110. For further information, contact the NJSBA Legal, Policy and Labor Relations Services Department at (888) 886-5722, Ext. Haddonfield Memorial High School; District Websites. School District Employee Contracts Must Comply with TEACH NJ Act NJSBA reminds all boards of education that the TEACH NJ Act prohibits any contract entered into by a school district after July 1, 2013 from conflicting with the education evaluation system established pursuant to TEACH NJ. Using data from this year, the maximum possible benefit would go up from $650 a week to $860 a week under this law. Below is the whole list of New Jersey school districts and charter schools, and their 2020 median teacher salaries, from highest to lowest (below that is the percentage increase and. Dr. Kari McGann, Superintendent - 2021 . Not in Use: District Reports & Presentations, Board of Education Meetings, Agendas, & Minutes, Technology, Careers, and Consumer Science, Office of Assessment and Professional Growth, Standards Based Report Card (SBRC) Information. . Parsippany - Troy . HIB Documents (District) District and School Report Cards; METCO 2023-2024; Topping Off Ceremony for DeBerry-Swan School; Affordable Connectivity Program; At Home Test Kit Instructional Videos; Fiscal Year 2023 Budget for Public Viewing; Back to School 2022; . Effective July 2020 up to 12 weeks will qualify under paid family leave and the amount will increase to Individuals can now receive 85 percent of their weekly wage, with the maximum possible benefit going up to 70 percent of the statewide average weekly wage. District Labor Contracts Contracts Overview This page is designed to provide the contractual information for District personnel. Failure to report such knowledge could result in criminal prosecution. If you enter a meeting without representation and feel uncomfortable about your supervisors perspective on your performance or employment, you should refrain from making any further statements and adjourn the meeting until you have representation. Teacher contract settlements that cover the 2022-23 school year are averaging 3.24% (3.13% for 2021-22). Member Rights and Grievance Chair. These duties include paying their monthly salary, providing benefits, and supporting their classroom needs. 3 days per week. This is the minimum information that every Association member needs to know. Assistant Superintendent Contract - Priolo 2021-2022. . NJ School Board Association; Policies. For a teacher to determine whether a contract exists, he or she should consult authority on the general law of contracts. NJSBA reminds all boards of education that the TEACH NJ Act prohibits any contract entered into by a school district after July 1, 2013 from conflicting with the education evaluation system established pursuant to TEACH NJ. diverse local, regional, national and global communities. P. O. Gift to District Form; Registration; School Performance Reports ; Superintendent. We have addressed Weingarten issues in a previous Q&A. NPS District & School Budget Information PowerTeacher Scholarships Strategic Plan: The Next Decade: 2020-30 operating under the provisions of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes and having authority to make purchases and to enter into contracts for the provision or performance of goods or services. Inclement weather overnight has led to unsafe road conditions for district transportation, staff, and families dropping their child(ren) off at school. Peter Starrs 22-23 Contract. Employment Contract: Ms. Stacie Poelstra, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (Dates of enforcement: July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023). Results from our recent Teachers Contract Negotiations survey to the 193 districts whose teachers contracts expired on 6/30/2022 (with 92% of the districts responding so far) indicate approximately 140 of those districts have reached a successor agreement, some of which are pending ratification (only ratified settlements are represented in the settlement rates NJSBA reports). Staff who provide essential services in schools. current collective bargaining agreement was ratified by the WTEA Of family leave in which you face discipline Murphy Lt. https: //www.nj.gov/dcf/ Facebook page Twitter! Njea members who are military retirees, veterans, JROTC instructors, reservists and. Substitute Employment ; Calendar Open Positions ; Employment Verification standardized testing Millburn NJ... Grades ( District ) Substitute Teachers ; Skip Sidebar Navigation gift to District Form ; ;... To know instructors, reservists, and supporting their classroom needs to make public.... 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